Welcome to the new section ‘Net4All’ at Sheffield Concord Netball Club!
This section of the club is for girls aged 11-18 and women with Special Educational/Additional Needs or Intellectual Impairments who would like to play netball. There is no need for any previous experience, all abilities are welcome. Our aim is to help the players to feel inspired and empowered to take part in group activity, be included within the team, learn confidence and get healthy and active.
Sheffield Concord Net4All section, with coaching led by Jill Newbolt and Helen Thorneloe, will be running monthly at the EIS from 6-8pm. Dates for next season are now available below!
The cost will be £5 per session payable ideally in advance by direct banking or by cheque payable to Sheffield Concord Netball Club brought to the first session. Should there be any interest from the group to play any matches, the cost would be arranged with you in each instance.
Sheffield Concord Net4All have competed in the ParaNetball Championships run by England Netball and have finished 8th and 2nd in the country in 2021 and 2022.
We are very proud to announce that we are ParaNetball CHAMPIONS 2023! A fantastic 1st and 4th place finish!
SCNC is also now a registered Partner of the Special Olympics and work is underway to take those eligible to the next National Games.
If your daughter would like to attend Net4All please register to book her place with Helen on helenthorneloe@aol.co.uk. She will need a completed registration form for the first session which can be downloaded below. Posters about the junior and adult Net4All sections of the club can also be found here for information.

Check our Net4All players and coaches pass it on

NET4ALL ParaNetball Champions 2023

ParaNetball Championships 2023- 1st and 4th place!