Leagues and Teams

SCNC currently has 5 teams in the South Yorkshire County Leagues well as creating a 6th team for our Net4All section. We have 1 regional team competing in the Yorkshire Regional Premier League. Our Junior teams play in the South Yorkshire Leagues as well as local and regional games across the season.

2023-2024 Season

South Yorkshire County League

Championship: 1st and 2nd team

Division 1: 3rd and 4th team

Division 3: 5th Team

Link to result table: https://clubleague.azurewebsites.net/Public/Portal/ViewDivision.aspx?cid=1766&did=10964

Regional League

Yorkshire Premier Team

Link to results Table: https://clubleague.azurewebsites.net/Public/Portal/ViewDivision.aspx?cid=1775&did=11142

Junior Leagues

All age groups competing in the local junior competitions

Link to results table: https://www.southyorkshirenetball.co.uk/2023-24-under-11-s-12-s-13-s-league